
Gingrich Blows the Dog Whistle Loud and Clear

323 7:17:27 am PDT

re: #306 Obdicut

I do not think that the Democrats acted this badly between 2000 and 2006, in any way. They didn’t embrace any previously-anathema groups like the Birchers. They didn’t vote in this solid a block or obstruct as much. From both a point of view of tone and actual political actions, the GOP’s current actions are much worse than the Democratic leadership under Bush, or the GOP under Clinton.

But yes, overall, we are living in the era of Lee Atwater. Rove was simply his inheritor.

Well … that may be a perspective issue.

I can look at the R’s and see how badly they are behaving because I’m so disillusioned right now, and actually for me the disillusionment began with our Governor (Jindal) who has been a humongous disappointment. Just huge.

But in my memory - the D’s and supporters acted pretty badly between 2000 and 2006.

The difference, perhaps, is that right now, it’s that many of the R politicians and party leaders are also involved in the poor behavior in a big way. But there are some who aren’t, and it’s aggravating to me when I see a rational or reasonable response from the R’s being labelled “tepid”.