
Sarah Palin: Shakespeare Did It Too, You Meanies

Interesting Times7/18/2010 8:24:34 pm PDT

re: #307 iceweasel

(I had seen it but probably wouldnt have bothered including it; thanks!)

No problem :) Too bad you weren’t around yesterday for the thread where there was a brief discussion about Margaret Atwood’s novel The Handmaid’s Tale - someone else (I think CuriousLurker) said that, whenever she sees Palin she thinks of that book. I do too, especially when issues of reproductive freedom (or the lack thereof) come up. I mean, I *still* can’t fathom how access to frigging birth control is such an issue in the States, with some pharmacies refusing to sell it!! Forgive my language, but what the bloody fuck from the depths of hell kind of stupidity is that?! In Canada (by contrast), Plan B emergency contraception is not only available without a prescription, but advertised on the radio (er, not that I’ve ever had a need for it personally…but I’m definitely relieved and grateful it’s available to others who do!)