
Tom Waits on the Fallon Show: Raised Right Men

Kragar7/12/2012 9:20:22 am PDT

Romney On NAACP Booers: They’re Freeloaders

Mitt Romney has found a new spin for the resounding chorus of boos he triggered at the NAACP on Wednesday. At a fundraiser in Montana that night, Romney boasted about the boos to a very different crowd, saying: “If they want more stuff from the government, tell them to go vote for the other guy–more free stuff. But don’t forget nothing is really free.”

Given Romney’s fraught history with the organization–Mother Jones reported yesterday on his antagonistic relationship with the Boston NAACP while governor–invoking the “welfare queen” stereotype against NAACP members who support Obamacare is tone deaf, if not a deliberate attempt to stoke conservative resentment against so-called government freeloaders.