
AP: NSA Improperly Collected an Incredibly Tiny Number of Emails

gwangung8/21/2013 2:29:57 pm PDT

re: #293 triple

Well, it’s more apt than you might think.

Dark knight, batman has this massive cell phone spying operation. He NEEDS it to find the joker, and he does.

Morgan Freeman wants nothing to do with it, but says he’ll do it to help stop the threat.

Batman says okay, and after he catches the joker - does he use the massive cellphone database to fight more crime in gotham? No. He destroys the machine. Because it’s the right thing to do.

So yeah, he’s basically batman.

I stand by it.

What you’re standing by is public relations blather.

You need more specifics that pass critical scrutiny and not “just because I said so.”

A lot of what Greenwald said does not pass the sniff test; a lot of his claims are technologically illiterate—-they made no sense.

You can demonstrate that you know what you’re talking about by pointing to some specifics and saying why it’s good—-and so that we know that your claims are technologically competent and accurate.

Neither Snowden nor Greenwald do ANYONE one any good if they make claims that are technologically suspect.