
Watch Live: 2014 White House Correspondents' Dinner

Killgore Trout5/04/2014 9:33:12 am PDT

re: #320 Killgore Trout

Rising Russian Intelligence Activity in Hungary

He also has an excellent and reasonable post on Benghazi
Ground Truth About Benghazi

The White House today finds itself in an awkward place of its own creation. What could have been a brief, manageable scandal has now become an extended one that may dog the administration for the rest of its second term, while trashing Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential ambitions to boot. Mainstream media outlets are no longer burying the story, and the White House ought not expect a pass anymore, particularly as reporters generally sympathetic to the administration are calling it out for its dishonesty over Benghazi. For this, the White House, again, has nobody to blame but themselves.

I hope the American public learns the truth about what happened at Benghazi, why, and what came in its aftermath, both in Libya and in Washington, DC. There are more than academic questions at play here. Truth and justice, by no means always the same thing in our nation’s capital, deserve an audience. I especially hope that the coming investigation avoids excessive partisanship of the sort so many Americans, including this one, feel is corroding our entire political system, but I’m not overly optimistic on that point, given the recent track record of both parties. I’ll settle for knowing what really happened to Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Tyrone Woods - and why.