
The Supreme Court Is Now Poised to Fall Into Right Wing Control for Decades

Brian J.6/27/2018 3:27:33 pm PDT

re: #321 ObserverArt

And yet, he did manage a breakthrough that while it might get repealed, it opened the eyes of even conservatives for the needs of insurance that is fairly priced for everyone and can not be refused on preexisting conditions, etc.

I highly doubt Brian J would ever give credit for that because it is not trolling material.

And surely if it does lead to healthcare for all on down the line, it will have been Obama that pushed the rock up the hill that little bit. Brian J won’t say anything about that.

Of course, Brian J also didn’t touch on what Obama did for people of color in this country just by getting to the presidency. No big thing to Brian J. I wonder why?

There was a reason I asked him about Obama and HOPE. He didn’t disappoint.

That rock now lies at the bottom of the hill. Four times now Democrats have tried to give health care to people who didn’t want it, and only LBJ achieved anything at all- and that while standing on Kennedy’s corpse.

False hope is worse than no hope at all because it will collide with reality and leave the hopers realizing that they’d been fooled. Read Ta-Nehisi Coates’ works for a fuller explanation that I can give.