
Saudi Arabia Moves In

pre-Boomer Marine brat1/23/2009 7:36:22 pm PST

re: #298 UberInfidel67

The family agrees with you. He recently got remarried. He is “happy” that he can go back overseas with his “affairs in order”. He took a hit when my Dad died. I was under strict orders not to tell him that my Dad was that sick. He went back to Iraq with the “I don’t give a damn if I die…you can have all my stuff” attitude. Now that he is remarried, I don’t fear for him too much. He also has a daughter that gives him a reason to live. The daughter doesn’t belong to his wife, but to a woman Marine. He travels from Pennsylvanie to Texas to see this little girl. Hopefully, he will remain stable. He doesn’t want to leave the Marines at all. He keeps turning down orders because he doesn’t want to ride a desk. Again, he has been Infantry for 24+ years. lol

My sincerest best wishes for him. My dad was 1939 Old Corps, and one of the first 50 promoted to E-8 (meritorius, when the pay grade was established), but he got out at 20 because he knew there were (had to be) other things in life besides the Corps.