
Another Stealth Creationist Bill in New Mexico

claire2/21/2009 12:37:15 pm PST

re: #307 Wendya

Thanks, Wendya- It looks like the Education Department is ahead of the curve on this one- Good thing- Still very embarassing for this state.

I had no idea there was an “Intelligent Design Network” in NM. Geezus. This idiot, Joe Renick is actually giving a Univerisity of New Mexico Continuing Education course on Intelligent Design here in April.

Still going to try to get up to Santa Fe for the hearing in the education committee should the bill get that far. If anybody else wants to go you can check the schedule here.

And the worst part! I just found my Chemistry professor’s name on the Discovery Institute’s list of 100 Scientists who don’t think Evolution is a sifficient explanation! Carl Poppe, now of Lawrence Livermore Labs. It’s getting really scary!