
Overnight Open Thread

razorbacker6/18/2009 4:51:32 am PDT

I’ve been noticing that a lots of Dems, and left-wingers in general, are all solicitous of the poor benighted Republicans and want to give them advice on how to regain power. Awfully nice of them, I say.

Frankly, there ain’t much difference between the two major parties. Hardly enough to get overly excited about.

Prime difference seems to be that when a war-hero Republican is caught taking kick-backs from defense contractors that Republican is run out of office and/or jailed. When a powerful Republican runs his Oldsmobile into the water and lets a young lady die that Republican is run out of office. When a Republican lets his boy-friend run a call-boy ring out of his office he is run out of that office. When a Republican is caught with bundles of cash in his flooded freezer he is run out of office. When a Republican’s wife is caught shaking down contributors for cash that Republican is run out of office. When a Republican is caught making racist statements at some old segregationist’s birthday party that Republican is run out of office. When a Republican is found to have been a high poobah in the Ku Klux Klan he is run out of office. When a Republican’s supporters are caught intimidating voters at the polls that Republican is run out of office.

Hypocrisy is said to be the tribute that vice pays to virtue. When you don’t recognize virtue, and see vice as just the way the world works, then you don’t have to worry too much about being a hypocrite.