
Jonathan Kay: The Tea Party Movement Is Full of Conspiracy Theories

Lidane2/10/2010 8:55:38 pm PST

re: #292 Floral Giraffe

I don’t think any politician is willing to “get out of the way” for 4 years or more. Out of the limelight, is out of sight, regardless of what he’s doing.

In Huntsman’s case, I’m not so sure.

He’s a young, photogenic guy. He’s not a whackjob teabagger or a birther. If we assume that this Tea Party nonsense lasts through 2012 and affects who the Republicans nominate, Huntsman being out of pocket could be huge.

Say that the GOP nominate a Tea Party favored candidate, or, heaven forbid, the teabaggers run Palin or someone else as a third party candidate and split the conservative vote, just like Perot did in ‘92, with Obama winning a second term. By the time 2016 came around the field would be wide open, and Huntsman could run as a non-loony Republican who has proven not only his foreign policy cred, but who has executive experience, and who can claim actual bipartisanship since he accepted an appointment from a Democratic president.

Should the GOP get curbstomped in 2012, they might just be receptive to the idea. It’s a thought, anyway. :)