
Monday Afternoon Music: Don Ross

Mad Prophet Ludwig2/22/2010 3:47:29 pm PST

re: #300 Racer X

What would you have us do?

To reverse AGW that is.

Well, like I have written several dozen times, and you have even agreed with and updinged, at least ten times….

We need to switch our power generation away from fossil fuels.

To do so cleanly, and efficiently with present technology - and it is possible to do - we need to deploy:

Nuclear power,
Solar power,
Wind power,
Smart energy grids
High energy density batteries.
Electric vehicles.

The benefits of doing so, apart from avoiding gloabl ecological catastophe that will destruy our civilization as we know it and kill billions are:

We would ultimately create tens of thousands to even hndreds of thousands of jobs.

The money that pays for those jobs would be the money we are currently spending to prop up evil regimes like Saudi Arabia, so we win economically and politically.

The programs would pay for themselves quite quickly because of the resulting economic boom.

America comes out richer, more powerful and with weaker enemies.

Ohh then there is the part about being able to breathe cleanly in NY or LA and the resultant health benefits for the nation coupled with the reduced medical costs that would come from living someplace not polluted.