
Tuesday Night Open

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)11/10/2010 8:18:45 am PST

re: #322 iossarian

Rubio as always kind of a joke to me. He promised, for example, that he would make sure all discretionary funding had a ten year sunset rule.

All discretionary funding has to be approved yearly. That’s what discretionary means.

He always refused to name any actual cuts he’d made in order to balance the budget.

He has promised to extend the Bush tax cuts and give corporate tax cuts and other stuff that would create an even larger deficit. Doesn’t have any way to actually pay for this, of course.

But those who voted for him just heard ‘cut taxes, cut spending’, and ignored that he had no actual plan for cutting spending, and that cutting taxes without cutting spending is the most fiscally irresponsible move that you can make.

His voters are getting exactly what they voted for. They may not be happy with it. But it’s what they chose.