
Assange Arrest Imminent

Mad Prophet Ludwig12/02/2010 9:49:48 pm PST

re: #320 Dark_Falcon

Volume and aggression can sometimes win debates. Sometimes people will simply be intimidated and fold a winning hand. It works especially well if one party is much larger and stronger than the other, since the smaller person will often just defer rather than risk getting smacked around. It’s not a good thing, but it is something that happens all the time.

That is actually not the problem at all. Alley isn’t intimidated by the GOP moron at all. Alley however, like most scientists falsely assumes that people who ask scientific questions want actual answers and will think through them without being spoonfed like they are children. Alley actually, in his mind, is trying to not be insulting by inferring that the congressman is a moron, by over explaining things which Alley would consider obvious.

Do you follow?

In the world of science you don’t explain basics over and over, because to do so is to imply that your interlocutor is too dumb to follow.

Int eh world of politics, they bank on the listener being too dumb to think things through.