
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel5/04/2011 8:36:50 am PDT

Random crazy comment from the intertubes:

The Gov’t perpetuates the lie, to keep us all in check – look for STAGFLATION to come on strong now. The window for preparation is so close to being shut, it is not funny. The anarchists, communists, islamo-fascists and illegals are coming together, with the aid of union organization. They will not go down easily, they are thugs, and killers all. When the have-nots have no food in their belly, the carnage will start soon after – there is little time to warn any more. I feel some of you here GET IT, but the vast majority of America has their heads in the sand, and they too will soon become the have-nots, and join forces with the organized killers about to be unleashed upon you. I speak partly from experience from my days in Jamaica, the other part is, I use my brainpower that God gave me – simple stuff really.

I dumpsterdive so you don’t have to.