
The Duggars and the Bizarre Regressive "Quiverfull" Movement

ObserverArt5/23/2015 7:36:05 am PDT

All the GOP and their Karl Rove types ever wanted out of Rev. Wright was some sound bites. They never cared what he really meant good, bad or indifferent. They knew most of the RWNJs would never get past the sound bites. They lap up the initial story and live with that no matter what facts ever come to light down the road.

It is no different than the Duggar stuff. To the RWNJs, especially the fundie religious types, they probably see this whole story as an attack on a good Christian family and man. The Duggars were smart to hide it all and keep building the reputation. They can rely on all that now.

It’s like that “Leave Brittany Alone” meme.