
'Conservatives' Who Want to Ban Books

Quella2/12/2009 3:05:24 pm PST

It is important to note that Geert Wilders is being prosecuted under the Netherlands’ hate speech laws, and may even face imprisonment for his speech. As such, it is a fact that the Netherlands do have hate speech laws that in fact result in prison time. [citation]

I believe that it is important that the Netherlands have a consistent policy. Either ban all forms of hate speech or none of it. If you ban only some forms of hate speech, you allow politicians and judges to have far too much control over the discourse than I am comfortable with.

Wilders’ point - which is at least arguable - is that the Koran should be banned under the standards of the Netherlands hate speech laws. He however does not believe in the hate speech laws to begin with. He simply says that if these laws exist, they must be applied uniformly.

I see no message in this which is inherently ‘pro-censorship.’ This was the message that Alan Dershowitz spoke of in light of the Muhammad cartoons of 2005. He said that these cartoons are allowable, given what else (sheer Jew hatred) has been shown. It is discriminatory and unjust to only ban one kind of speech. He said - and I agree - ban all of it or none of it. Just not some of it.

Charles, it simply is a distortion of Wilders’ message to claim he is pro-censorship as a normative matter.