
Texas Gets Another Creationist School Board Leader

Mad Prophet Ludwig7/12/2009 4:34:26 pm PDT

This part upsets and scares me more than the creationism. Anyone who knows my posts knows how strongly I oppose ID troglodytes, so if I say, as a profeesional scientist, that this bothers me more, it really bothers me quite a lot.

“Barton has already joined with a fellow “expert” on the panel, far-right evangelical minister Peter Marshall, in calling for the removal of progressive historical figures like Csar Chavez and former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall from the standards.”

So what is wrong with teaching about Justice Marshall? Is it that he was a strong defender of equal rights? Is it that he was black? Is it that if we do not teach about him, we can forget about him - and the rights of black people? What is wrong about Cesar Chavez? Is it that he was a strong defender of rights for farmers and minority workers, or is it that he was Hispanic? Is it that if we do not talk about him, we can forget about him and the rights of Hispanic Americans or farm workers?

I have a collegue named Igor. He is, quelle suprise Russian. When Putin announced that the history books in Russia were going to be rewritten yet again, Igor said “Being Russian historian is exciting work… There are always new developments in the field.”

People who choose to rewrite history almost never do it for good reasons.

Beyond Creationism this speaks to a certain form of totalitarianism and lack of interest in free thought or public discourse that is double plus bad.