
Silver Surfer #1, 'The Origin of the Silver Surfer' (August 1968)

Sigma_x4/22/2010 5:59:35 am PDT

re: #322 sattv4u2

qst off, I’m not sure how adding more people that don’t have the ability to pay will bring down costs for everyone. Seems to me as if there are 10 people paying for a buffet, and 3 more come in that can’t pay and need to eat one of two things has to happen

Either those that can pay will have to pay more or all 13 will get a little less than if there were 10.
As FBV stated, “widders n’ orfins” MUST be taken care of by a caring civil society, but if this is going to be a “right” ( as the proponents have labeled it) why not make it just like every othre ‘right” we have in this country?
I have the right of free assembly, but if I choose to not go to the demonstration I don’t get fined
I have the right to own a gun, but if I choose not to have one I don’t get fined
I have the right to free speech, but if I choose to remain silent I don’t get fined!

Your premise is predicated on a falsehood right off the bat - you said, “I’m not sure how adding more people that don’t have the ability to pay…”

No one’s talking about adding people that don’t have the ability to pay anything at all - they already have something for those people; it’s called medicaid - we’re talking about people who can’t afford to pay absurdly high premiums that go up every single year.

It all boils down to you either pay higher taxes and more people will be covered, or you pay higher premiums to the insurance companies.

At least this way you won’t get cut off mid-chemo.