
Deniers' Review Supports Scientific Consensus on Global Warming - Right Wing Sad

HRH Stanley Sea4/04/2011 3:45:53 pm PDT

re: #324 ProLifeLiberal

The Pro-Qaddafi Trolls have worked themselves up to the point where there a multiple posting about how Qaddafi is loved, how the rebels will be crushed, and general delusions. Considering the fact the the rebels are more organized and retaking parts of Brega they lost (albeit slowly, but this may be a good thing. Allows more thorough elimination of Gaddafi’s forces, and keeps them from doing the mistake they did last time.). Also, there has been increasing talk of instability within the regime.

It fascinating to see how disconnected one can be from reality.

And I am thankful for your diligence in following this. I search out your posts. :)