
Video: Rick Santorum's Astoundingly Anti-Science Rant

Eventual Carrion2/09/2012 3:02:15 pm PST

re: #202 מיכאל

Just like the “possibilty existed” that GWB was going to pull the same shit in 2004 and 2008…

“In May 2007, Bush signed executive new orders NSDP51 and HSDP20 to replace REX84. The older order REX84 was an older directive to establish martial law in the event of a national emergency. Everything done in government is done for a reason, and these two new orders are no exception.

These new directives surprised and alarmed many real conservatives and true patriots at the time. These two orders established that the White House administration would take over all local governments under a national state of emergency, instead of Homeland Security.”

What has Obama done like this?