
Rand Paul: Snowden and Clapper Should Both Go to Prison

Mattand1/06/2014 9:31:00 am PST

re: #219 lawhawk

The Supreme Court doesn’t want to get ahead of itself procedurally, and they probably know that if they had allowed the state to continue issuing SSM licenses, it would be a signal that the rest of the states prohibiting them that the gig will soon be up for them.

They’ll let the issue come through the appellate process, even though it means that they’re sanctioning discriminatory actions until the Court hears it at a later date.

Fact is that the 10th Circuit has a split in authority of sorts. New Mexico has legalized SSM, though that’s largely on state constitution and state statutory grounds. UT’s ruling granting the stay of the state constitutional prohibition followed the NM reasoning, but the remaining states within the circuit maintained their postures on prohibition.

This case will eventually end up back at the Court. They wont be able to duck it for much longer.

At the end of the day, any objection to gay marriage is discrimination based on religion. Period.

We’re a secular nation. People need to get this through their fucking skulls.