
"Josie" Story of Brown Shooting Lifted From Fake Facebook Page - See Updated Timeline Below

Dark_Falcon8/23/2014 7:36:05 pm PDT

re: #318 BeachDem

Excuse me, but shouldn’t he have been tried and convicted before being dealt your punishment? (Aren’t you the stickler for precision?)

Yes, but I was assuming he’d plead guilty. The tape is pretty conclusive proof he stole from that store.

It does not, however, justify him getting shot. I’ll leave the last word on that point to Mark Steyn. I know he’s sometimes a jerk, but he’s dead on here:

Which brings us back to the death of Michael Brown. Let’s assume for the sake of argument that everything the police say about this incident is correct. In that case, whether or not the fatal shooting of Mr Brown is a crime, it’s certainly a mistake. When an unarmed shoplifter* in T-shirt and shorts with a five-buck cigar box in one hand has to be shot dead, you’re doing it wrong.

(Italics in original.)