
National Review Writer Upset Because Donald Trump Isn't Saying the Magic Words

A Mom Anon9/11/2015 5:26:31 am PDT

re: #324 Nyet

This whole mess has turned childish. Because Trump, like a typical bully, cannot stand even the slightest perceived insult or anyone showing him up in any form. Like many other negative traits, bullying has a ripple effect and brings out more of the same.

There’s a story of Trump riding on bikes with one of his exes (Ivanna? I can’t remember) and she rode past him, beating him in some little race they were having and it pissed him off, like he got off the bike and stomped around like a spoiled brat. That’s not the temperament of anyone who needs to be in charge of anything. That’s what Trump is, a spoiled brat, period. The rest of the GOP field isn’t much better.