
Defining "Creationism" Down

Mad Prophet Ludwig2/24/2009 1:55:28 pm PST

Everyone who has been noticing that these fools all have a disdain for the constitution is correct.

The whole point of the Establishment Clause is to prevent the strife and backwards ways that follow from mixing religion and state. Too many people are secretly happy about seeing religion all over the state - provided it is their religion. The founding fathers knew that this could only lead to strife if it were allowed to happen.

All the other free citizens might want their religion instead to be forced on people. At the very least they might resent having another one forced on them.

Freedom of religion also means freedom from religion. The American ideal, and certainly, the conservative ideal is one of personal independence where I do not bother you and you do not bother me. Provided no one violates the law, no one complains. Religion is a personal choice. Our social contract is that I respect your right to that choice and that you respect mine.

This is not just a matter of the GOP tarnishing itself with bad science. It is a matter of the GOP turning its back on core American values and core conservative values.