
Overnight Open Thread

Kenneth3/10/2009 1:21:35 am PDT

Key investigator in the 1994 Jewish Center bombing tortured in Buenos Aires

Last Friday night in Buenos Aires, Claudio Lifschitz, former secretary to the judge in charge of the AMIA bombing investigation, was kidnapped and tortured in Buenos Aires by three hooded men who later released him.

The attorney said that his kidnappers were interested in a cassette linking Iranians to the AMIA case. “They insisted on the subject of the cassettes that link Iranians with the plot. They burned my arm with the six-digit number of the AMIA case and wrote on my back. This happened at 12 midnight or so. They told me, stay quiet, we’re not going to kill you, you’re going to live for as long as we allow you to.”

He also said that when the kidnappers found his Rosary they told him, “What are you doing with this, you’re Jewish. That’s when I felt them turn on a blow torch and burning on my back.”

A case of kidnapping and torture involving Iranian role in murdering Jews. No wonder the US media is ignoring it.