
Texas School Board Creationists Facing Curbs

lostlakehiker4/14/2009 8:43:24 pm PDT

re: #218 stead63

You do have to understand that these people, just as any other right to assemble group, feel they deserve the same platform that the big bang believers have. The idea that spontaneous combustion yielding life, planets and universes has such an astronomically large(no pun intended) improbability of happening gives way for others to insert what they feel is correct. Do I agree, as a Christian, that this should be the “text book” explanation, no, but they both have one HUGE thing in common…Neither can be nailed down as either scientifically or rationally proven.

Science doesn’t claim any of these things, because, as you say, they are not scientifically proven. What is as proven as anything can be by way of science, is that once life got started, it changed over time, evolving from simple forms to more varied and complex.

In science class, this should be the textbook scientific explanation.