
Onion: New Law Requires Women To Name Baby, Paint Nursery Before Getting Abortion

326 9:45:08 pm PST

re: #302 marjoriemoon

I used to run with a New Age crowd. There was a story in the local paper about this young girl born without legs. She always wanted to be a dancer. Long story short, she finally got prostheses and became a ballerina. It was very moving.

One of these people I knew said that she was born without legs because she must have done something terrible in a past life. Knowing how these people think (that everything is predestined), I suggested that maybe she picked this life to be born without legs so she can learn the lessons of courage and humility, and experience the bountiful love that she received. That shut her up right quick.

I’ve heard of that girl.
I think I saw a youtube of her dancing.
Here’s another story of ability:

Youtube Video