
James O'Keefe Goes After Another Right Wing Target: NPR

CuriousLurker3/08/2011 12:49:02 pm PST

OT: Gah—break time!

I started off the morning by stepping in cold cat vomit before I had my first cup of coffee.

Then, before I could stop her, my other cat peed in a box I left on the floor which in turn—when I picked it up to take it to the trash— then leaked a 10-foot trail of cat piss across my living room carpet. We are now not on speaking terms. It is a battle of the wills—she wants me to make eye contact and forgive her. I will NOT, at least not for another 12 hours.

Then UPS suddenly decided that the package they were supposed to deliver today, which had already been put on the truck, had an illegible address label. Now it’s been rescheduled for tomorrow, so I’ll have to spend another day sitting around waiting for it. I want to know how in the hell it made it all the way onto the truck in Newark if they couldn’t read the damned label.

To top it all off, I just spent 30 minutes trying to figure out why a web site menu I’m working on refused to point to the correct URLs on some pages. Um, that would be because I didn’t include the freaking file in the header that would tell them where to look. *headdesk, headdesk, headdesk*

*sniffles, looks around room for sympathy*