
Herman Cain Harassment Victim's News Conference

326 2:17:54 pm PDT

re: #238 Buck

The settlements. Once the women accepted money, they gave up the right to continue to accuse him. It ended, and if you can’t say he is guilty, so…the other choice…

The monetary settlement simply meant that Cain got to keep his job, and the woman, the wronged party in this, got to LOSE her job with some money to tide her over until she could find new employment.

It does NOT mean that the charges are untrue. What would go a long way toward making me believe the charges were untrue would be the results of whatever investigation took place at the time the charges were made - which appears either not to have happened, OR the results were such that Cain and/or the restaurant association didn’t want them publicized.

People do not walk away from jobs on a whim. I’m convinced SOMETHING happened that at the very least made this woman very uncomfortable. And I don’t think she made it up.