
GOP State Rep. Harris Exploited Foster Daughter for Political Campaign, Reportedly Whipped Children

Targetpractice3/15/2015 5:42:36 am PDT

re: #325 Rev_Arthur_Icantbreatheing

It should be noted that Greece isn’t the only country under austerity, and the others (Spain, Ireland, etc.) have also been questioning the terms of their agreements with the troika. There is an entire generation of Europeans who have been wrecked because they lost the womb lottery.

Austerity is a ruthless master who punishes ordinary people so that financial masters can get their payday. Fuck austerity.

Austerity is a joke that long ago stopped being funny. The continued insistence that it will work in Greece, despite all the evidence that it hasn’t worked anywhere it’s been tried since ‘08, is in part the reason why the Greeks felt the bailouts weren’t worth the shit they were putting up with. There’s been absolutely no carrot in the deals they’ve been given, just all stick.