
Glenn Beck: Conservatives Should Boycott Disney Because They're Making a Film About Charles Darwin

Nerdy Fish6/30/2015 5:55:22 pm PDT

re: #320 HappyWarrior

I was actually pretty late to basketball. I only started playing in the fifth grade but I picked it up pretty well despite the fact I have a very unorthodox shot but it was and still is my dad’s favorite sport and as I said I had some really fun games on the playground. But yeah hockey wasn’t much here too. I knew some hockey players but it’s only really taken off here since the Caps drafted Ovechin though we had some diehards in the mid 90’s I remember going to school with.

I grew up in the Chicagoland area, so most of my sports news was Bulls, Bears, and Sox. The Cubs were right out. The Colts didn’t become popular until after I left for college. I went to a couple of White Sox games, but I didn’t get big into baseball until I moved to the wild north country and spent a lot of time with Mrs. Fish’s family. Her mom is a die-hard baseball fanatic who converted me to the Twins.