
And Now, Baghdad Sean Spicer Bites the Dust

Birth Control Works6/20/2017 8:59:35 am PDT

re: #324 ObserverArt

Thinking back about school and you know what terrified me the most?

Forgetting my locker combination numbers for the lock.

I swear, I worried about that all the way through freaking college and we didnā€™t even have lockers. Sometime when awaking in the morning my first thought would be ā€œdamn, what is my locker combination?ā€ And then Iā€™d realize I passed that by years ago.

Traumaā€¦it sticks with you.

You could have written it down and kept it in your wallet.

Or told traded combos with your best friends so you could use each otherā€™s lockers and depeded on her/him when you forgot (like i did)