
Russia Wants the US to Withdraw From NATO, and Oddly Enough, So Does Donald Trump

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)1/15/2019 3:02:47 pm PST

re: #320 Myron Falwell

I can speak from experience. I knew a bully like Trump who acted exactly in the same manner and behavior. He used his bullying to instill fear in people, myself included. It took some time but his threats were empty. He came crashing down, hard, and wound up in federal prison.

People like Trump pose a threat, sure! But a lot of the fears are overblown once you realize that his bark is much worse than his toothless bite.

I just refuse to let his bullying scare me. He got lucky in November 2016 and he’s had few political victories since then.