
Video: The Worst That Could Happen

NJDhockeyfan12/12/2009 8:24:19 pm PST

What are the Norks up to?

Thais seize plane filled with weapons

Thai police have detained the crew of a cargo plane that landed in Bangkok over the weekend with a hold filled with weapons.

The plane, which had taken off from the North Korean capital of Pyongyang for an unknown destination, had made an emergency request to refuel at Bangkok. When Thai officials boarded the plane, a Soviet designed Il-76, they found up to 40 tons of weaponry including rocket-propelled grenades, according to local media.

Officials said they had acted on a tip-off from foreign intelligence. One told Reuters news agency that the US had supplied the information.

“It [the plane] came from North Korea and was heading for somewhere in South Asia, probably Pakistan,” theofficial added.