
Fail of the Day: Radar's 'Exclusive Breaking News'

Aceofwhat?3/04/2010 1:47:03 pm PST

re: #316 Jimmah

Explain then how sporting an avatar like Mandy’s which shows a kid pissing on the name of God, while faking outrage over mild cuss words involving the name of God is the expression of an intelligent, politically knowledgable adult?

Or alternatively, if you think it isn’t then please tell me why pointing out that it isn’t is inconsistent with being an “intelligent, politically knowledgable adult”?

Isn’t pointing out blatant hypocrisy liek that part of what we do as “intelligent, politically knowledgable adults”?

I’ll expect you to rush to my aid, then, the next time i’m in principled disagreement with folks and they fake outrage.

or we can do neither.

i’m good either way.