
The Door Opens (Update: The Door Shuts)

Kragar3/30/2010 1:50:45 pm PDT

re: #310 Dante41

Look at what they did did to the Alpha Legion. The people who made Soulstorm really didn’t care about canon.

Shifting gears to the tabletop game, two things. One: You play Night Lords? Nice. If I was going to play CSM I’d play either them or the Alpha Legion. Two: I finally got me army list all worked out. Just need the techpriest, the Leman Russ Vanquisher conversion kit, and the LR Executioner.

I miss the old Codex. Nothing struck fear into the opponent than realizing they were facing a CSM force with more infantry units than his IG force. As it is, my Night Lords are sidelined for the time being.

Currently I own full armies for Space Marines, Space Wolves, Night Lords, Cadian Imperial Guard, and Orks. I’ve got a smattering of Inquisition to add as allies or build a small Inquisitor force around and a few Necron I’m messing around with