
Right Wing Reactionary Defeats Even More Reactionary Right Winger in Mississippi

NJDhockeyfan6/25/2014 7:37:07 am PDT

Facebook looks to block ISIS clothing sales

(CNN) — T-shirts, hoodies and even toy figurines bearing the ISIS logo are being sold on online and marketed across social media.

For around $10 you can buy an ISIS shirt with the militant group’s logo and phrases printed on it like “We are all ISIS” and “Fight for Freedom, Until the Last Drop of Blood.”

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A toy soldier available on, an Indonesian site which by Tuesday could not be accessed, holds a gun in its hands and an ISIS flag with the Islamic tenet: “There is no god but God, Muhammad is the messenger of God.”

The websites are marketing the ISIS paraphernalia across social media. Facebook has been removing the pages once the media alerts them to their existence.