
NIH Director: We'd Probably Have a Vaccine for Ebola by Now if Not for Budget Cuts

TedStriker10/13/2014 3:03:26 pm PDT

re: #307 Hal_10000

PS - Regardless of the funding situation, I would prefer that NIH not try to leverage the current panic. The idea that we would have an Ebola vaccine by now if it weren’t for budget cuts is a stretch, at best. We’ve been working on an AIDS vaccine for thirty years with lots of money and still don’t have one. Vaccines are hard and clinical trials take a very long time.

I think that the NIH director made a valid point; it’s not like Ebola is a new disease, it’s been around a long time.

Just like the old NASA sentiment goes (even though the actual phrase came from The RIght Stuff): No bucks, no Buck Rogers.