
Mind-Bending Video: How Small Are We in the Scale of the Universe?

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷2/26/2017 12:28:36 pm PST

I get the idea that the white working class has it hard. However, the white working class is not the only group of people that are in the working class.

An inclusive message for the working class includes all the working class. That message includes whites just as much as any other group.

The conservative phase in reference to the economy “a rising tide lifts all boats” doesn’t help any member of the working class if their boats are tied to the dock.

Those in the white working class that can see that will come along with policies that will help the whole working class. Those that don’t want to (or cannot) see it, and only see the white working class as suffering are insufficient to build a party.

While a few tens of thousands of voters in a handful of states swung the election this time, that cannot last. Demographic shifts will kill the GOP if they do not change, and they know it (hence voter restrictions, immigrant-bashing, &c).