
New From the Always Original Julian Lage: "As It Were"

Joe Bacon ✅6/09/2024 10:45:21 am PDT

First heat casualty reported at Trump Vegas rally hours before he takes the stage

Fears that fans of Donald Trump will be putting their health at risk if they attend his Las Vegas rally on Sunday appear to be coming true with medics being called for one victim more than three hours before the former president takes the stage.

On Saturday, the New York Times reported that Trump campaign staffers were scrambling to put in place measures to alleviate any health issues with the desert heat expected to hit a possible 104 degrees.

According to the Times, “The Trump campaign said it will have thousands of bottles of water on hand in Las Vegas to offer to people in line and to those already inside the security perimeter. It will put up tents around the park so that people can get out of the sun, and there will be at least one tent with air-conditioning. Campaign staff will set up a number of misting fans to help cool off attendees.”

On Sunday morning, the Reno Gazette-Journal reported the first MAGA fan succumbed to the oppressive heat at 8:45 am when the temperature was 86 degrees and climbing.

According to the report, a secret service agent “ran toward the security line shouting ‘medic,’ at Sunset Park where the rally will take place.

The report added, “t was the first call for medical help on a day that could see many of them. According to the National Weather Service, it was 86 degrees but temperatures are expected to top 100 degrees with no shade for attendees. A person was wheeled to a closed, air-conditioned tent just off the open field where the rally is being staged.”

The Gazette-Journal noted the medical emergency took place 15 minutes before the gates were scheduled to open for the MAGA throng.

It doesn’t matter to the True Believers because they are brainwashed enough to be willing to die for Gawd’s Anointed King.