
Overnight Open Thread

J.D.2/21/2009 4:44:20 am PST

re: #308 Rustler

That isn’t quite as disturbing as this one, from your link…

MEDICAL LAKE, Wash. — Sheriff’s officers have arrested an 82-year-old man after his wife died on the floor of their home, apparently about 10 weeks after she fell out of bed and was unable to get up.

John Klein was arrested for investigation of second-degree manslaughter after he called 911 on Monday to report that his 73-year-old wife Pia had no pulse.

Klein told Spokane County sheriff’s Detective Jim Dresback that his wife of 52 years fell out of bed around last Thanksgiving…

…Klein reportedly told the detective he thought his wife would eventually get up and start walking on her own, adding he told her to exercise while she was lying on the floor. …

Husband Left Wife on Floor for 10 Weeks Before She Died, Police Say