
Holder Defends 9/11 Trial Decision

Damned Architect11/18/2009 11:32:36 am PST

re: #302 Walter L. Newton

That doesn’t make an ounce of sense. Sure, NYC is always a target, but having this circus in the city couldn’t do anything but make it even MORE attractive.

Or are you trying to say that the threat level would be the same on any day, with or without the trial there?

The second one. This trail will be done in 12 months from now, and from knowledge of Al-Q, it’s not likely that an entirely new terrorist plot will be hatched, plotted, and executed in that time frame. An existing terrorist plot? That’s a whole different matter; one could conceive of Terrorists moving up the date of an attack to coincide with an event, ala the 2005 bombings in London. However, that would just be a matter of when, and it wouldn’t change the reality that (like you said) NYC would be a target without KSM. It’s a sort of “damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation.