
Fail of the Day: Radar's 'Exclusive Breaking News'

Locker3/04/2010 1:47:18 pm PST

re: #316 Jimmah

Explain then how sporting an avatar like Mandy’s which shows a kid pissing on the name of God, while faking outrage over mild cuss words involving the name of God is the expression of an intelligent, politically knowledgable adult?

Or alternatively, if you think it isn’t then please tell me why pointing out that it isn’t is inconsistent with being an “intelligent, politically knowledgable adult”?

Isn’t pointing out blatant hypocrisy liek that part of what we do as “intelligent, politically knowledgable adults”?

Couldn’t agree more and it’s hard to ignore that some people get a complete pass on things. I find it completely acceptable to call someone on their bullshit when they act totally offended 200pct of the time, sling one word insults, run from debates after proven wrong and still act like a victim.

If someone is nice to everyone and does their best to get along I’ll be the first one to defend and take up for them. However if someone is a raving asshole all the time (like yours truly) I find it very, very difficult to criticize someone for fighting back. If you are going to mix it up, expect to get dirty and expect to take your lumps.