
Gingrich Blows the Dog Whistle Loud and Clear

darthstar4/09/2010 7:20:08 am PDT

re: #315 Oh no…Sand People!

Had I been Newt and decided to make some lame attack, it would have been over golf. Both Pres. Bush and Pres. Obama played golf. President Obama has played a Shload of golf.

“Puttin’ while the troops die!” Something like that to get the populous rage going…well, add to it anyway.

President Obama plays every Saturday, I believe. I’ll give the guy 4 hours of leisure a week, given the number of hours he’s working. Bush, while he golfed his ass off until he was criticized for doing it during a month where Americans were getting killed in high numbers and needed an example of ‘sacrifice’ to show he was suffering too (and that was the rationale given for his suspending his golf temporarily), was known for going to bed at 9:30 every night…regardless of what business was at hand.

You really can’t compare the work ethic of the two men. Though President Obama hasn’t gone out and moved pre-cut brush for the cameras yet, so Bush wins that one.