
The Benghazi Fake Scandal Returns at

Mad Prophet Ludwig12/11/2012 3:04:05 pm PST

re: #319 CuriousLurker

Yeah that’s me, culturally insensitive.

I’ve done quite a lot of reading about Judaism & Jewish history over the past few years and I’m well aware of the Temples’ significance, and I’m well aware of what’s implied when some people talk about building the Third Tdmple. If I thought I could have a rational conversation with you about it I would, but I know that’s not possible,so I’m going to walk away now.

Because actually addressing what I have said is not something you can do… You see culturally sensitive would be to perhaps acknowledge that it is a giant concession to peace that the mosques stand rather than to assume they are yours by right. If we were like the Arabs in the region, we would have blown them up just like the Arabs destroyed synagogues. Culturally sensitive would be to think that maybe just maybe the Temple is a big deal to someone else’s culture.

But none of that would fit your narrative.

As I said in the very first post:

Such details are not relevant.

The left is nothing if not a hypocrite on Israel and just as blind to the truths of the situation as the right is on issues of climate, women’s rights and the age of the universe.

They are just as blind.

They are just as unwilling to listen to reason.

Just like righties, they will glance past these facts and move to other talking points.

You know like calling me names and refusing to address these basic and obvious facts.

It still is not yours, and thank you for making the main point yet again so clearly.