
GOP Debate Thread 4: Cleaning Up the Clown Mess

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus12/16/2015 6:41:15 am PST

Former governor of NJ comes out swinging:

The Republican Party Must Defeat Trump Now


It is no longer a stretch to compare Donald Trump, and some of the other current Republican candidates for president, to some of the worst dictators in history. Trump especially is employing the kind of hateful rhetoric and exploiting the insecurities of this nation, in much the same way that allowed Hitler and Mussolini to rise to power in the lead-up to World War II. The parallels are chilling. In pre-WWII Germany, the economy was in ruins, people were scared, and they wanted someone to blame. Today we find ourselves with a nation of people who feel under attack both physically and economically and are fearful. The middle class has never fully recovered economically from the Great Recession. Income disparity is growing, but demonizing with a broad-brush all “immigrants,” forgetting that nearly all of our ancestors were exactly that at one point in the past 400 years, is both dangerous and contrary to all this nation stands for. After Paris and San Bernardino, attacking Muslims, the vast majority of whom are peaceful adherents to their faith, has become fashionable.


But she is also very delusional:

Let me be very clear: This is not the Republican Party, but this is how we are being defined right now.

Dear Ms. Whitman: Yes, this is the Republican party. It may not be what you want the party to be, but it is the party as it is constructed in December 2015.