
Stephen Colbert: If Politicians Won't Take Action, These High Schoolers Will

lawhawk2/21/2018 9:42:39 am PST

re: #320 Ace-o-aces

Trump’s contemplating hiking the gas tax 25 cents per gallon to pay for the infrastructure scam.

Considering that a person typically drives 12,000 miles a year (and assuming 25 mpg).
That’s 480 gallons purchased, with 25 cents per gallon hiked… we get another $120 out of pocket.

Truckers will see even higher costs, because they do far more driving, and that will translate to higher transit/package delivery costs as well as higher food costs thanks to fuel costs passed on to the consumer.

For those who are lower income, it’s a huge hit and more than offsets any tax breaks they might ever see with the Trump tax scam.