
Video: Roland Martin on Birthers: 'They're Stupid'

lawhawk4/22/2010 12:48:03 pm PDT

re: #298 darthstar

There you go off into the wishful thinking of pseudoreality. Let’s just ignore the reality of the Iranian regime shall we?

Calmer heads prevail among who? The Iranians? They aren’t going to stop their interests in nuclear weapons. They haven’t built a massive infrastructure just to give it up now. They’ve gotten sweetheart offers from the Russians and French to get enriched uranium if they’d give up the enrichment process themselves but chose not to - that speaks volumes about their intentions.

As for keeping the powder keg of the Middle East under wraps - taking out threats like a nuclear weapons complex before it can start churning out nukes is preferable to letting the Iranian regime have the nukes. And as for striking the match, you’re pretty keen on stopping Israel from doing what it must to preserve its security, but ignore the larger threat that Iran presents to the entire region (to say nothing of US security interests).

The match has already been lit. The only question is how long the fuse is.

How can the situation change? A different regime in place in Tehran for starters (although the Mousavi opposition is also keen on keeping Iran’s nuclear ambitions going).