
Glenn Beck on Faith Healing and Vaccination: 'Meet Mr. Smith and Wesson'

theheat10/15/2010 4:18:01 pm PDT

re: #315 goddamnedfrank

I wouldn’t know a Desert Eagle from a bald eagle, honestly. But I have encountered a lot of forums and such, where the talk seems to fall to guns, and then it’s like a posing contest at the Mr. Universe competition.

Collectors and target shooters and reloaders, on the other hand, can go on for hours and hours, because it’s all very intricate and interesting, and they know WTF they’re talking about. But you don’t get the bravado and stormtrooper bravado, thankfully. I have family the collect and shoot, so I’ve heard hours and hours about nothing but guns. They don’t, however, get into pseudo psycho paranoid militia diatribes. It’s two different animals.

Ithaca model 37 is my weapon of choice. I’m not one for finesse ;-) Besides, it’s also been the number one zombie killer, if you’re a fan of horror, which I am.