
FBI Raids Texas Business in Criminal Probe of Pro-Wikileaks DOS Attacks

Vicious Babushka12/29/2010 5:53:38 pm PST

re: #237 ozbloke

Yes, I believe you are correct.
Also, it seems the story I posted is referencing this:
Barak: Anti-Arab letters by rabbis and rabbis’ wives leading Israel into dark place

efense Minister Ehud Barak warned on Wednesday that anti-Arab letters signed by rabbis and wives’ of rabbis would lead to a wave of racism that would threaten to “take over” Israeli society.

Barak expressed his concern in a statement, released shortly after a letter urging Jewish women not to date non-Jewish men was published by a group of rabbis’ wives and just weeks after a rabbis’ letter was published urging Jews not to sell or rent properties to non-Jews.

So your grandmother warning you not to date a non-Jew IS JUST LIKE TEH NAZIS!1!1!TY